Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Not easy to blog

Or maybe its just not easy if you do not want to come across as saying nothing of value.

Query: Is blogging a "Dear Diary" thing where one emotes a stream of consciousness" or a cyber way to affect readers so they "think"?

 I confess I usually do my "go to" of humor in blogging. not deep mainly amusing {one hopes}. Then one day you come across a blogger who is so raw and intimate in his prose; who just blows your imagination open and explodes multi-contemplations into your mind!

Well THAT is so intimidating you fear to type anything of your own.

Still, every court needs a jester right:). :)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Yoga blues


I know CTB’s blog  {see his site below in another post} talked about doing it and one or two blog followers asked me if I ever engaged in it. The simple answer is yes, I did a few lessons in yoga. Unfortunately, instead of discovering my inner “bliss” I soon discovered my inner painful “sciatica”.

 To be fair my attitude wasn’t the most “zen-like”.  One lesson involved some complex rope tying coupled with the downward dog position. I told the instructor if I was going to do rope bondage coupled with a downward dog position then he sure as hell better make sure there was a “happy ending”. Then there was my proclivity to always  buddy up for some yoga intertwining maneuvering with this hot guy in the class. Let's say "zen" was not on my mind and it showed. Soon my instructor and I both realized I was not long for his classes.

No slam on yoga its simply that yoga and I are destined never to share a blissful intimacy. Not that I cannot appreciate a cute guy all curled up into yoga's rather hot positions. Rather for me I fear, yoga will remain a spectator sport.

Seasons greetings

In the spirit of the times I always send Christmas cards to my enemies. What’s more, I take the time to send my own personal message of holiday wishes in each card I send to them. This time off I went and brought a nice set of blank seasonal cards to mail off to them to mark the holiday. 

Yes even an enemy or one who has "done me dirt" gets a seasonal greeting. I take the high road for, after all, tis the season. I fully imbibe the holiday spirits and ignore all the unkind cutting things they did to me during this year. 

So, I took a pen to card and, with a heart filled with good wishes, inscribed away to say tenderly & with heartfelt emotion:

Because tis the Christmas season
I send you my hope you are well
But after the 25 th has truly gone
You still suck; so go to hell!

Do that too and the joy of the season will warm you as you go buy that tree or present!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A blog to read that I recc.

I find his posts always interesting and provocative. You always are left thinking about what was posted and, with a few of them, fanning away some bad boy ideas :).

His approach to blogging its different than mine in some regards { I tend to favor the humorous postings } but honestly, a blog that makes you think should NEVER be missed. Go check him out.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Musings on Black Friday, Cyber monday, Get-outta-my-way holiday shopping.

Some people will never understand the nuance of shopping. Well to be truthful 
I don’t understand people who don’t understand it. Too many people (translation: 
straight men) just think of shopping as simply “see it and buy it”. What’s up with that! 
It completely misses the whole Zen experience of acquisition. True shopping is a 
voyage of the imagination coupled with the thrill of the hunt. Acquiring the perfect 
non-essential at the perfect price. Let’s face it 95% of the stuff we buy is completely 
unnecessary, not that this should affect us in anyway. In fact that is what makes it so 
extraordinarily arousing emotionally i.e. because in the end we need not have to do 
this endeavor to survive in life so, we need not stress out doing. Thus, we can just 
enjoy the experiences! 

By now you are either with me on this or thinking, ‘wow does he need a life’! To you 
naysayers I say please just read on you’ll get it. 

My point is that since, in the end, most of our shopping is really unnecessary to 
live we can go surrender to the joy of how it stimulates one’s emotions in a non drug 
induced way. Unless you naysayers object to non-drug induced stimuli. Still opposing 
me now hmm? Got ya huh! 

Here is the simple logic of how it works: 

As we shop, our minds picture that thing in our possession. We generate images 
of how we will look in it or how we will interact with it. Those created vision send 
our pleasure centers the signal that they can release those delightful endorphins 
everyone is always talking about when we engage in fantastic sex. Think of shopping 
then like great sex without the need to shower later! 

But there is also much more to this escapade. In times of trouble a store is that 
warm place we can retreat to .It is like slipping into the embrace of one’s accepting 
parent. In a world of religious bigotry it is our spiritual temple of pure acceptance. We 
shop. We dream again. All is well! 

And if the item’s acquired at a bargain price we’ve reached the Holy Grail. Come 
on, tell me you haven’t gotten a tingle when you buy on sale that oh so unnecessary 
item that you dreamt of having. I thought so. But in this activity one must remember 
to think big at the bargain table. Set your gaze into the larger world of saving to really 
get that roller coaster ride’s thrust of arousal. Don’t just save. Save on a grand scale! 
Arousal/thrust...keeping recalling...great sex...its like great it now? 

Case in point, I once brought a 5-quart blender. Now I did not NEED a 5-quart 
blender as the two quarts was perfectly adequate. However the point was that the 
5-quart was on sale and I saved $74 by getting the larger size. Now I then went to 
another store and brought clothes for a total of $80. In reality if one offsets that $74  
savings amount from the blender then its clear to anyone that I acquired all those 
clothes for just SIX DOLLARS. If you cannot follow this try rereading this paragraph 
again. If you are still unsure well honey I bet you were one of those kids in grammar school who always screwed up that old math question about those two trains leaving some station at the same time etc. huh? Don’t fret that school aged trauma anymore sweetie just go shop until you feel better. 

Final point: 

By shopping you are keeping the world economy afloat. Read your newspapers 
if you don’t believe me. You are not buying that dreamy shirt and pants to satisfy 
some spoiled craving. You are engaged in the selfless act of sending out your money 
into that great pool of currency that will later be used for creation of jobs to employ the 
less fortunate.  You are contributing to our country's place as the engine in the world economy. Thrusting back the forces of recession. Fighting to keep America strong and thus spreading the struggle for democracy worldwide. Tell any who says otherwise that they are nothing more than a commie! 

So, the next time you are tempted to drop a dime into some bucket or hand it over to  
some street person you might want to reconsider and buy that new CD instead. Buy 
something, create jobs and, contribute to a higher good  honey! Walk past that poor 
street person with head held high straight into Macy’s and do your patriotic duty and 
knowing you are keeping the world economy And the struggle for freedom strong!

Gay child and the right wing parent's acceptance limits.

Did you ever notice how right wing politicians with gay children 
all behave the same when asked anything about their homosexual 
offspring? On one hand they insist their child’s orientation 
doesn’t bother them then quickly follow up with some banal 
statement that they support their child yet, at the same time, 
they also express a ludicrous sense of personal umbrage toward 
any inquiry about said child. 

There is one gentleman that is utterly amazing in this regard. He 
continually overreacts to even the most innocuous media query 
concerning his gay child. Honestly, if he is that “supportive” of 
his progeny why, whenever their name comes up, does he behave 
like some turn-of-the-century Victorian trying to avoid having the 
“family scandal” aired before the public? I swear he cringes with 
discomfort and barely concealed embarrassment at a question 
in this area, refuses to comment then, later follows it up by 
denouncing the interviewer as being distasteful in mentioning 
this subject. What is wrong about being queried about your issue 
and/or how your “family values” views relate to their situations? 
Afraid your fellow bigoted travelers won’t truly accept you into 
the fold with that biological albatross in your clan? 

Query: deep down does he despise the thought of his child doing 
the deed with someone of the same sex or worse, is it his issue 
he secretly find disgusting? 

Pathetic don’t you think? 

Well, maybe just a tad less pathetic than the gay child who is so 
desperate for their bigoted parent’s love they steadfastly refuse 
to see how much their parent’s attitudes and support for certain 
public policies display an underlying hatred of gay people which 
hurts both the community and ultimately THEM as well! 

Sweethearts trust me; if you were not his/her kid they’d kick you 
to the curb. Your “loving” parent will never see you as anything 
other than being somehow “disabled” by your orientation. The 
hard fact is that, in their eyes, you will always be fundamentally 
disappointing to them so just live with it and stop being a gay 

Soap box so be forewarned! :)

I’ve only seen Duck dynasty once & afterwards I was convinced that their ancestors had married on too many first cousins and/or barnyard pets. I honestly shudder at the thought other countries watch them and think we are all this type. That said, I think this whole matter raises First Amendment issues:

1. He should have a right to think gay = sin. Basically that is all he said and why can’t he say his religious beliefs?

2. With a right of speech comes the acceptance that it has consequences. So you got fired {see pt 5}

3.GLAAD as usual overreacted. They scare me many times since they hand out criticism and then go beyond it into censorship issues without any concerns over that fact. Yet see my next point.

4. GLAAD has a right to say pull him but again they should have been more mature and just scolded him.

 5. A&E has a right to say to this guy,” say whatever you wish but we don’t have to employ you” {after all they too have their First Amendment rights}

6. Everyone in this thing {including politicians} should grow up.

Side note: Now as to India. If you want to be in the big adults club of nations it helps if you act maturely in response to a diplomatic goof by another country. Overreactions and this pontificating make it difficult to respect you {something you continually seek}. I’m just sayin….

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Birds do it and bees do it .....

Joined friends to see a movie about penguins. It seems the male of the species 
will walk over seventy miles on ice in below freezing temperatures to meet up with 
their females. All this work in order to mate over the course of a few days. Seems even 
among animals there is nothing a guy won’t go through to get laid. :)

New cyber writings

To give a general reply to fans who ask if I'm doing anymore "adult themed "books. The short answer is no BUT, I do occasionally still write some new short stories for my friend's site. Some "old ones" go up there too at times. You can find it @:

Yes, I do reply to fan mail and yes I confess its fun to receive them too lol

Yes, even if critical :). but no expletives okay. lol


Thursday, November 21, 2013