I noticed another of those reality shows on our local television
station. The moderator began the series explaining how, like every
reality show, drug use by the participants was not permitted on
premises. Five minutes into then program five of the six people
in it were getting wasted at the neighborhood bar. The sixth was
passed out drunk by the fourth minute.
Funny I always thought alcohol was a drug and did he mean, I
wonder, that off-promises drug usages were permitted?
Having checked out a few of these reality shows (oh come on
like you don’t slow down at accident sites to take a quick peek)
I can only say I’m amazed and terrified. Who picks these misfits
and worse how soon can we pass a law stripping them of the
right to vote or hold elective offices in the future! I mean have
you seen these people: hello your fifteen minutes are calling and
they want all fifteen back!
It appears the participants are chosen based on some sort of a TV
version of Noah’s Ark. The gay one (the flamer or sincere version
depending), the hot “I’m so straight but possibly can be taken”
jock (who usually sexually experiments or goes all gooey gay
friendly in the end), the bitch (either sex), the substance abuser
(okay that could fit most of them) etc. and so forth. I sometimes
think about how our radio and TV signals float in space and that
some other world will pick these shows up and never bother to
visit us because of it. I’d hate to be known in the universe as
“that planet of weirdo losers!”
Side note: The court shows are okay although I
think, considering how evangelical some segments
of the public are, the TV stations are missing the
boat on a potential major breakout hit with a similar
show based on the concept of religious courts. I’m
thinking here of a type of TV tribunal where some
prelate judge hears dogmatic arguments on various
obscure religious points from opposing sides then
rules in favor of one side or the other. I’d call it “The
Papal Court” myself but only because I bet those
cardinals would look great in high def. sitting up
on the bench as judges wearing their white lacey
outer vestment coverings and not to mention those
bright red robes!