Our own major pharmaceutical festival day. Yes that special daylong celebration that makes your family druggist’s eyes water as they contemplate the major sales of tranquilizers this day will usher in. Yep it is gay “coming out day”! Coming Out Day or as my friend once called it “the day my mom’s dreams of grandchildren died and my father well, he just died.”
Don’t misunderstand me now on this sensitive issue. I totally support coming out to your entire family. Not too keen on my entire family being in the know about me but yours…hey I’m totally cool. My advice here: when you tell dad your gay just swear to him you’d never bottom. This way his final thoughts as he suffers that coronary will not be filled with visions of his buff manly boy’s heels over his head!
Then go visit the pharmacy. Honey you’ll need it!
Side note: Liquor distributors look to the next day for their sales to rise or so I’m told.
Hm, I used to be in but now I'm out and that means I'm in, except the clothes of my "in" days are "in" again but I can't wear them out, not just because they're indestructible but because they fit one's form a bit too neatly, down to the point where one can tell in your belly button is in or out. Could that be an indication of your own state of being?