Saturday, January 4, 2014

On a certain West Side club in Chelsea

I was dragged…as in forced to go honey not as in wearing drag okay. Please 
don’t read into things dearie that is my job. Anyway I was hauled off by a friend to 
visit a sex club. you know the type of place. you arrive at a sleazy entry and pay for 
a temporary ‘membership. Then you go through a door where some guy hands 
you a white towel. You are then directed off to a side area where there is a locker 
room and shower. You leave your clothes in the locker and, draped in said towel, 
you cruise through dark hallways searching for...need we go on. Let us say a tour 
through the room’s occupants and their activities are a veritable sexual classroom in 
understanding the true meaning of  the term ‘alternative lifestyles’. 

Now do not get me wrong I am not condemning these places. I’m quite frisky 
myself and always willing to give anything a try within limits, as any bathroom wall review will attest.

(BTW: what have you  heard about me?). 

In fact ogling such activities is really quite innocent fun provided one has a broadly vague definition of said word ‘fun’. Think of looking into each room like window-shopping . You see what the newest trend is for when you do your own serious shopping later. After all it is always about the accessorizing isn’t it? As long as you don’t bump into anyone you know voyeurism can be a lark. 

But soon the magic fades for there is just so much one can  visually process no 
matter how good the performances being seen. At that point it is advisable leave the 
scenes and simply taking with you the knowledge that you are somewhat wiser and, probably a bit overheated as well, by the experiences you witnessed. 

Before you inquire &, since I brought up ‘overheated’, no I did not use their shower. You 
don’t use a shower at these places to actually shower for God’s sake! That is NOT their 
purpose. Dear you are naive if you thought that! May I suggest that you check out more adult DVD’s in the future to understand the proper use for a shower in such locales. 

As I left, I met the owner on the way out who tried to interest me in acquiring a 
permanent membership. I handed him my towel and told him that quite frankly I’d 
never join a social gathering where the only article of wear permitted on the premises 
was a white towel. I mean darling, wearing white after Labor if!

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