Thursday, October 6, 2011

Think about It!

Whenever you think that you are just one person and what can one person do to change things...think Steve Jobs. Then go out and do what you love. Everyone is a pebble that gets thrown into a lake we call life. We all create ripples that affect everyone else's lives in that lake.

Monday, August 1, 2011

New work coming along nicely

Enjoying the summer *>) though far too much to sit inside to write.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ah Folsom East 2011...LOL

Recently a cute fan from Australia chided me, quite correctly, on not keeping up with my blogging. Here is a short entry for you Rai*wink*. Enjoy.

The best part of living here in this city, besides me living in it naturally, is the varied cultural events that one can attend. Where else can one see a full frontal play in the Lower East Side from a new writer who is on the cusp of fame, watch a dance company pushing at the barriers of nude dance movements in some abandoned building in Williamsburg  or,attend a private after hours sex club…hmm, best not say what and where that one is located right! 

Anyway my point is where else can you do all this but here in New York City. Life here can be lived twenty-four seven because my city never sleeps although lately it has been taking some rather long naps…or is that just me? 

Be that as it may, today I and mine were privileged to attend another of the cultural events here in town that captures that spirit of energy that is New York City. Yes, the annual bondage and fetish fashion show ( aka Folsom east) is back in town. This year I took my gay charge (he is a young man of  twenty something so relax) and his (similarly aged) friend* to it. 

*This friend is a nice young lad struggling with the crushing disability of being straight. I just think of him as merely a child who has some special needs. I try not to judge. 

As a nice surprise for them, I used my author’s pull to acquire some hard to secure tickets to the show’s traditional opening night (private) religious convocation. It wanted my “boys” to see that gays do have religion despite the criticism lodged at us from some ignorant areas i.e. red states. I’m was sure the sight of cute gay men kneeling while lost in adoration before that large Saint Andrew’s cross would do them a world of good. Maybe  even give them some ideas to practice at home during their own intimate religious “services” with their partners.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Solomon and that ship

I remember a discussion of a section in the Bible’s Old Testament. 

 Seems a ship arrived in Israel containing a cargo of life’s critical necessities. According to the writer King Solomon himself had placed the order for his people.

The cargo manifest was important enough to be set out in full detail by the biblical writer so that all would know what King Solomon listed as items critical in the life of his subjects. The section set forth pages and pages of everyday goods that were essential for the building of a young nation. They mentioned nails, wood, pots, farm animals, cooking utensils, metals, tools etc. until the final line wherein it said, “...and ivory, apes, and peacocks.” 

Now you may wonder why the King ordered those final items especially, considering that the ship’s cargo was filled with more mundane & critical articles for survival? Why would the King waste critical cargo space for them? 

Well, as the speaker told me, the King knew that in this grey world in which we toil to survive there must be sustenance for our spirits as well as our bodies. He knew that in addition to pots, nails, tools etc. we must always make room for the luxurious (ivory) and the exotic (apes) and the fantastic (peacocks) to keep our spirits and imaginations alive. 

I wish you all ivory, apes, and peacocks every day of your life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ah another reality show

I noticed another of those reality shows on our local television 
station. The moderator began the series explaining how, like every 
reality show, drug use by the participants was not permitted on 
premises. Five minutes into then program five of the six people 
in it were getting wasted at the neighborhood bar. The sixth was 
passed out drunk by the fourth minute. 

Funny I always thought alcohol was a drug and did he mean, I 
wonder, that off-promises drug usages were permitted? 
Having checked out a few of these reality shows (oh come on 
like you don’t slow down at accident sites to take a quick peek) 
I can only say I’m amazed and terrified. Who picks these misfits 
and worse how soon can we pass a law stripping them of the 
right to vote or hold elective offices in the future! I mean have 
you seen these people: hello your fifteen minutes are calling and 
they want all fifteen back! 

It appears the participants are chosen based on some sort of a TV 
version of Noah’s Ark. The gay one (the flamer or sincere version 
depending), the hot “I’m so straight but possibly can be taken” 
jock (who usually sexually experiments or goes all gooey gay 
friendly in the end), the bitch (either sex), the substance abuser 
(okay that could fit most of them) etc. and so forth. I sometimes 
think about how our radio and TV signals float in space and that 
some other world will pick these shows up and never bother to 
visit us because of it. I’d hate to be known in the universe as 
“that planet of weirdo losers!” 

Side note: The court shows are okay although I 
think, considering how evangelical some segments 
of the public are, the TV stations are missing the 
boat on a potential major breakout hit with a similar 
show based on the concept of religious courts. I’m 
thinking here of a type of TV tribunal where some 
prelate judge hears dogmatic arguments on various 
obscure religious points from opposing sides then 
rules in favor of one side or the other. I’d call it “The 
Papal Court” myself but only because I bet those 
cardinals would look great in high def. sitting up 
on the bench as judges wearing their white lacey 
outer vestment coverings and not to mention those 
bright red robes!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Retro revisited..ugh.

Just read in a gay magazine that the seventy’s look is back. Oh the heady times back then. Everyone looking so casual and laid back with their requisite long drooping mustaches. It just hit me; can this mean polyester is close behind? 

Ah those halcyon days when, if you put the clothes’ dryer’s heat on too high a setting, one’s best shirts would melt! Long after I’ve left this veil of tears I take comfort in knowing that those items of apparel I packed away will still be around for at least one hundred years before they decompose.

Thoughts on 'Coming Out' Day!

Our own major pharmaceutical festival day. Yes that special daylong celebration that makes your family druggist’s eyes water as they contemplate the major sales of tranquilizers this day will usher in. Yep it is gay “coming out day”! Coming Out Day or as my friend once called it “the day my mom’s dreams of grandchildren died and my father well, he just died.” 

Don’t misunderstand me now on this sensitive issue. I totally support coming out to your entire family. Not too keen on my entire family being in the know about me but yours…hey I’m totally cool. My advice here: when you tell dad your gay just swear to him you’d never bottom. This way his final thoughts as he suffers that coronary will not be filled with visions of his buff manly boy’s heels over his head! 

Then go visit the pharmacy. Honey you’ll need it! 

Side note: Liquor distributors look to the next day for their sales to rise or so I’m told.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Confessions about a closet Str8 guy.

Brad called to get together with “the group”. I always find it 
amusing that Brad, who is totally straight, can hardly wait to 
meet up with his gay friends for drinks and fun. No, the boy is 
not a closet case but considering how hot he looks I confess 
that is one closet I’d play in! The simple fact is Brad recently 
discovered a little known fact about “hanging with the gays” i.e. 
hot women hang with us too! Even better a good majority of hot 
women hang with gay guys under the misapprehension that we 
might possibly be converted! Yes, Brad plays that “maybe I’m 
unsure of my sexuality” card with gusto. I mean the boy has 
“shyly” agreed to undertake the attempt to be “converted” more 
times than anyone I know. It’s getting to be a regular aspect of 
our nights out with him. At some point he hesitantly agrees to 
“try it” with some woman who is now overly eager to try her hand 
at turning him. Then he leaves with said giggling female saying 
his goodbyes to us with the remark he’s about to be “baptized” 
into heterosexuality. By now, he has been “baptized” so much we 
should all chip in to buy him a christening gown for God’s sake! 
Will these women never learn? 

Memo to the females who hit on a gay guy hoping for a 
conversion: sweetie next time you play on the gay you might stop 
to possibly consider that you just got played yourself!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some varied musings in my gay daze *>)

A married man argued that legalizing gay marriage would mean legalizing polygamy and even bestiality. I told him since no one can multi-marry the polygamy worry was groundless. As for bestiality, I did say it might be to his wife’s advantage if it was legalized since she clearly married an ass.

Dear Tea Party crowd. I notice almost all of you are in your late fifties and above. I smile thinking that in ten years many of you will be tossed aside by your kids and stuck in a nursing home that sucks because you helped cut off public health care funding.

‎"Among the things they did was to demonize the unions and pass laws to cripple them." A reflection on rise of fascism.

As tax time approaches, one must keep in mind that giving a "happy ending" to a cleric does not entitle one to claim it as a charitable deduction.

To all who worry about possible fundamentalist Islamist entering Egypt's govt. The Egyptian people only want the same right we have: the right to vote religious bigots into offices.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Great guys and awesome actors!

Check them out and follow them *>)!
