Brad called to get together with “the group”. I always find it
amusing that Brad, who is totally straight, can hardly wait to
meet up with his gay friends for drinks and fun. No, the boy is
not a closet case but considering how hot he looks I confess
that is one closet I’d play in! The simple fact is Brad recently
discovered a little known fact about “hanging with the gays” i.e.
hot women hang with us too! Even better a good majority of hot
women hang with gay guys under the misapprehension that we
might possibly be converted! Yes, Brad plays that “maybe I’m
unsure of my sexuality” card with gusto. I mean the boy has
“shyly” agreed to undertake the attempt to be “converted” more
times than anyone I know. It’s getting to be a regular aspect of
our nights out with him. At some point he hesitantly agrees to
“try it” with some woman who is now overly eager to try her hand
at turning him. Then he leaves with said giggling female saying
his goodbyes to us with the remark he’s about to be “baptized”
into heterosexuality. By now, he has been “baptized” so much we
should all chip in to buy him a christening gown for God’s sake!
Will these women never learn?
Memo to the females who hit on a gay guy hoping for a
conversion: sweetie next time you play on the gay you might stop
to possibly consider that you just got played yourself!
LOL...and I WONDER who you might be talking about. Hmmmmmm?