Saturday, November 20, 2010

Not so gleeful on GLEE'S Prejudices

Glee. Okay I will admit I watch it and enjoy the music. But lately a friend ( kudos Joe) pointed a few things out and now, looking at the show, I do see his point.

First off the “never been kissed episode” had some major problems:

1. Kurt’s teacher clearly is aware the student is being harassed. Does he say,” how can I help stop this?” NO, he says, “ gee Kurt you usually cope better with this!” Hey gay kid, see teacher won’t help.

2. The show strongly implies that, “pvt. schools are places gay students are safer than public schools (see that conversation with the warbler and Kurt). I’m sorry but that is a lie. If the writers think that, then clearly they missed what goes on in pvt. schools.

Side note: Kurt gets this crap @ school and NO ONE from his glee group steps in or is there for him? Good lesson there huh, Glee writers.

Another issue is the gay stereotyping that seems to always appear in Glee in some way.

1. Kurt stalks Finn. Kurt stalks the new blonde jock. Yeah all gays do that one huh? Feed those false prejudices fellas.

2. The bully is a closet case. Some are but don’t imply this is the situation so straights can think, “oh its gay on gay see not our bigotry.” At least SAY SOMETHING about it not always the case in a majority of situations.

3. Kurt and his warbler friend’s ENTIRE dinner talk revolve around inane movie/book/fashion subjects. Come on stereotypes again. This feeds the prejudice of straights who think gays only talk about things like that twenty-four seven. Come on please. I’ve had & have  non-entertainment conversations with gay friends and I'm sure you do too!

You think I’m being too harsh. Sorry but this show claims it tries to teach (see their interviews). It does a lot of good but it does quite a bit of harm. Don’t believe me. Next time listen to kids talking about it. They pick the above up. Oh and spare me the gay “spokesperson” who will appear on the show and criticize my critique of the writers. The later are wrong. They need to hear it.It is a good show. Make it a better one!

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